The Higher you fly, the further you see. The further you see,
the more opportunities you have and the more pitfalls you avoid.
Upcoming Lean Lab Seminar. “LEAN-LAB: Chimera or Opportunity? Principles and tools”. Upcoming Basic Course on “techniques and tools for process mapping”. Dueali consulting was born on January 9th, 2014. All the news about our products, recent case histories and upcoming events.
“… the taste, the pride of watching one’s own Company flourish, getting credit, inspiring faith in a wider clienteles, extending plants, improving offices, constitute an incentive for progress that is greater than profit.
If it were not so, it would not explain how there would be entrepreneurs that in their Companies lavish all their energies and invest all their money to often obtain gains lower than what they could gain safely and comfortably with other commitments …” discover more
Dueali News
Seminars Lean Lab/QA
Basic Course on techniques and tools
Dueali consulting was born
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